The Cons of Studying Abroad


Studying abroad can be a whole new learning experience, opening up new opportunities for you and allowing you to explore different aspects of life in other countries. However, it can also be a difficult journey and while many students enjoy it, there are some common problems faced by everyone that can be a little intimidating. Here’s looking at the cons of studying abroad:

1. Culture Shock

Being raised up our entire lives in one country, we might not realize just how accustomed we’ve become to the culture and way of thinking. But once you move to a different country, it can come as quite a shock. It does not necessarily have to be in a negative direction but still, the small habits that make us comfortable in our own culture would be missing. It could be small as the way in which we give respect to our elders. It can take quite a while to understand the people’s way of thinking and communicating, and fitting in with them. Even coming back home could be another culture shock.

2. Handling Everything Alone

While you might appreciate being independent after some time, it can be difficult initially as you will be handling everything all on your own. From finding accommodation to managing food and expenses, it can be a hard ordeal especially when you don’t speak the native language and don’t understand how things work. In India, you might be used to a housemaid working on everything or your mother doting on you all the time, but there are several things you will have to deal with alone and it can be exhausting.

3. Communication Gap

If you’re moving to an English speaking country, you might be fine but it can still be hard to understand the different accents and local slangs and phrases. If you move to a country where you don’t know the language, it can be a whole other issue as you will have to struggle with communication constantly and might often feel left out of conversations.

5. Not having enough money

International universities are expensive enough in their tuition and the other expenses can take a heavy toll on your bank balance. From apartment rent to food to travel, it can be far from affordable and you might be forced to get a part time job after your classes to manage the cost of staying abroad.

6. Being away from friends

While it is exciting to meet new people and form new friendships, you will be a long way away from home and you’ll miss the friends that have sustained you all your life. It can help to keep in touch but technology can only do so much and many friends end up becoming mere acquaintances due to the distance.

7. Homesickness

Yes, there is no way to avoid it. You will miss your home and your family and everything familiar that you have ever known. International flights are expensive so you might not be able to come back home that often and once you do, it can be a struggle to go back.

But despite how scary and miserable it sounds, there are more than a few positives. Once you get settled in, you will not even notice the days passing by as you get engrossed in discovering everything different that a new country has to offer. At the end of it, you will be grateful for the journey and will have grown into a different, more mature person.

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Satvika enjoys writing, photography and knowing people, through the things they choose to share and the things they don’t.


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