5 Easy Ways Facebook Can Be Used As a Learning Tool For The Next Generation

Inspite the precious long hours that we seem to wile away on Facebook by scrolling aimlessly down our newsfeed, this social platform can indeed be put to a better use. As improbable as that may sound, it can be done. The generation that follows us can greatly benefit from Facebook instead of it just being a mode to interact virtually.

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The immensely widespread reach of this social media platform enables it to potentially become a very important learning tool for GenX. Coupled with that, the various characteristic features of Facebook themselves serve as ways dissipate knowledge among other things.

1.It’s not a well hidden fact that the upcoming generation has almost stopped reading newspapers. Print media is slowly heading towards an inevitable death because of the rapid digitization of the present world. Information and the means through which it is transmitted has largely become digital. Whether it is an earthquake or a bombing in some part of the world, majority of the youth population comes to know of it through Facebook updates. Hence, there is no better medium than Facebook that could be used for the transmission of news and current affairs among the next generation.

2. The notes section of one’s Facebook profile can be used innovatively and be turned into a blog. Not only will it get you more views for your written work, it will serve as peer review where everyone on your friend list can react and respond to it. It is simple to use and easier to maintain than a traditional blog.

3. The Facebook group feature can be used very efficiently by students to discuss topics or to share notes and other information. It is more productive than sending emails and is hassle free. All the information and files shared are in one place and are easy to track now that Facebook allows us to save posts. And with everyone spending a lot of time on Facebook, it would be well planned to post changed class schedules so that everyone would get notified without fail.

4. Facebook would prove to be an indispensable learning tool for GenX because in today’s day and age, everyone wants to be a global citizen. Facebook provides a unique opportunity to its users who want to learn international languages to interact with native speakers. Users can join language learning groups or get in touch with native speakers and learn the language more quickly and effectively.

5. Our generation might think of Facebook as just another time consuming social media platform but used in the right way, this virtual platform can function as a wonderful learning tool for the coming generation without being an imposition. There are various word – building games that Facebook provides that can be used by children and even teenagers to build their vocabulary while having fun at the same time.

We ought to change with the times and adapt to the new digitized world that we live in and make the best use of it. And Facebook is something that can be quickly turned into a boon from a bane by using it for more purposes than it was intended for.

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